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php code
<?php require_once('koneksi.php');
include ('config.php'); mysql_select_db($database_db, $con_db);
$query = "SELECT * FROM guestbook ORDER BY id DESC";
$hasil = mysql_query($query, $con_db) or die(mysql_error());
$row_count = mysql_num_rows($hasil);
$page_row = 3;
$start = $_GET['start'];
$start = ($start == '') ? '0' : $start;
if ($start >= $row_count)
$start = 0;
$prev = 0;
$next = $page_row;
} elseif ($start >= 0)
$start = $start;
$prev = $start - $page_row;
$next = $start + $page_row;
} else {
$start = 0;
$prev = 0;
$next = $page_row;
$query = "SELECT * FROM guestbook limit $start, $page_row";
$hasil = mysql_query($query, $con_db) or die(mysql_error());
while($data = mysql_fetch_array($hasil))
{ $komentar = $data['komentar'];
include ('smiley.php');
echo "<table>";
echo "<tr><td>Judul</td><td> :</td><td> ".$data['judul']."</td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td>Nama</td><td> : </td><td> ".$data['nama']."</td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td>Komentar</td><td> : </td><td>".$komentar."</td></tr>";
echo "<img src='outimages/" .$data['gambar'] . "' align='left' height='75'>";
echo "</table><hr>";
while ($row=mysql_fetch_row($hasil));
$num = $start;
while ($row_hasil = mysql_fetch_row($hasil)){
echo ++$num." <b>".$row_hasil[1]."</b> ";
echo "(".$row_hasil[3].")<br>";
echo "".$row_hasil[2]."<br><br>";
?> <table border="0">
<td><a href="comments_page.php?start=<?php echo $pref?>">Pref</a></td>
for($i = 0; $i < (round($row_count / $page_row)); $i++)
echo "<td><a href=\"comments_page.php?start=".($i * $page_row)."\">".($i + 1)."</a></td>"; ?> <td><a href="comments_page.php?start=<?php echo $next?>">Next</a></td>
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